Sunday 22 May 2011

Back on the bus, Back on the road!

So after a few days in Brisbane, catching up with Mary and recharging the batteries after my sleep deprevation from room 101, I was ready, finally to get back onto the Oz Experience bus!And begin to explore more of the beautiful aussie land!!! Woo!!

I must say, being back on the bus was great, and made me think of all the great memories from the past! Although, it didn't feel the same without all the 'old gang'!

So my next stop was Surfer's Paradise, the famous gold coast of Australia, where many aussies go on holiday. It's a great area, with high rise sjy scrapers, golden beaches, surrounded by mountains, with many activities to do, and the famous partying!!!
       So, on the bus, it was alot alot quieter than usual, probably due to the recent flooding in Brisbane etc, so travellers had migrated further down the coast, where I was heading!!! But I managed to meet a fellow Brit, Claire, and she was one of the funniest people I had meet, so we got on well! She was from where Shakespear is from (let me think.....) (...............) Oh yeah, Stratford upon avon (I think...) When we arrived at destination, after a quick and rather quiet journey, we jumped off the bus, and right into the heart of Surfer's, and booked into a hostel together, right by the beach, ooooo yeaha!!!!
      We decided to go and explore the area, very touristy, but still pretty awesome! A BEAUTIFUL beach, with many shops and places to eat, lots for me to do then, lol, and alot of activities to keep me busy! But Claire and I got amushed by a chavy (lol), but friendly girl from Brighton, who was a promoter for pub crawls and the like, giving us a 'great deal'. Four nights of pub crawls and hitting a huge numumber of clubs for a baragin, which in retrospect was actually a pretty SWEEET deals (compared to pricey Sydney). So basically we were doing what all travellers do, when arriving in Surfer's, party, drink and dance!!! So for the next four nights, we went out every night at 6pm (tres early) and began the partying with 400 other people, being plied with free drinks all night, partying till the small hours going from bar to bar, and club to club, and then spent the next day, recovering on the beach. Pretty wicked for SUREEEE!!! We also had some cool people in our room from Norway, and they were doing the same pub crawl; so we all went together, so our last night resulted in a very messy night!!! Lets just say alot alot of tequila, I don't even like tequila (Barf, but it was free and I'm a backpacker, so you know.......Barf). So it was a pretty wicked night, although the next day, we just had to be catching the bus, and man, having a hangover on the bus, is really not a fun thing, and a banging headache to boot, it wasn't a long journey, but long enough for me!!!
      I did also manage to something slighty culutured...kinda. I went to the skytower at Surfer's, and had amazing views of the entire Gold Coast, very breathtaking. The beach, and waves lapping against the shore, people playing on the beach, all agaisnt the funky high rise building, man and nature meeting, just spectualar (pics of that on FB now. Yes, I know it's only taken me 4 months to put them on....Sorry about that :O)
     So I can sum up my time in Surfer's as, booze, dancing, drinking, sun, sand, sea, pretty much, what anyway backpacker would say of the place! So 4 days was just perfect there, ready to leave and hit the next destination, Byron Bay, for some very muched needed chill time!!!

So after a slow slow journey being hungover on the bus, we had arrived in Byron Bay! Which I had heard many many great things about from literally everyone I meet! So I was pretty pysched for sure! The hostel we stayed at was ace, very funky and right in the heart of Byron. So what's Byron like, I hear you say?! Pretty awesome, a very, very, chilled out place, everyone takes life slowly, very easy going, with people from all walks of life, lots of hippies and inddie people around. I have to say, I have never been anyway like it. Kinda like Camden in London, but warmer (much warmer) with beaches and beautiful scenery, okay maybe not so much like Camden, but you know what I mean.... Although Byron its self, is a pretty small place, a bit to small for moi! Also, this was the first time I had arrived into New South Wales (NSW) state, where Sydney is (argh, that will be my next blog, and a long one, lucky readers). What was great about the hostel I was at, was I managed to run into town friends I made in Melbourne, so there were many crazy times, and we spent the rest of our time in Byron all together, like a happy renunion, woo!
     So my first full day in Byron, and it rained. ALL DAY. And the second day it rained. ALL DAY. You can't really do much in Byron when it rains, apart from be bored..... and DRINK!!! So the second night, all our room started drinking, before heading to the very famous CHEEKY MONKEYS! A backpacker bar, full of crazyness! This is where my love affair finally began with beer, and that's because it was free on tap, so I was drinking alot of it, getting drunk, the more I drank of it, lol! Cheeky's is well know, for its dancing on tables, so as the night became dark and later, the music was playing, everyone was drunk on beer, so the dancing on the tables began and went on till the end of the night, awesome!!! As well as, lots of crazy competitions for free shizz and trips and the like, so crazyness all night! A great night indeed, and cheap backpacker meals to boot, bonus!
   The next day is was great weather, and although hungover, I was out like a shot to finally explore more of Byron (it didn't take long)! So I went on the famous walk up to Byron lighthouse, an epic walk along the coast. On this walk I managed to visit the most easternly point in aussie land too, woo, claim to fame, ha! The lighthouse was pretty cool and the view from it spellbinding, I even managed to see dolphins, just amazing!!!!
    After a lazy one at the beach, it was that time again, back onto the bus and to the next destination. So Claire and I got up early 6am, groan to catch the next bus. We were tired and moody and the bus was late, unimpressed, and then we learnt the bus left an hour earlier than we were told, drama! So we had missed the bus, more bad times for Claire, as she was on a stricter time frame, so she had to catch another bus to catch up with the rest! I had more time, and Oz experience paid for my nights accomadation, score (as they told us the wrong time). It kinda worked out perfectly as I managed to go to the other hostel in Byron I wanted to check out, which is meant to be different to all other hostels, and I was staying there for free!!! And the hostel was very different, there were yoga lessons in the morning, a double decker bus, converted into a dorm, tepees and a huge lake around it all, awesome, as well as boomerang lessons! It had a different vibe as well, I just loved it there, totally different to all other hostels I've been to!
The next day, I caught the bus at the right time, 6am, MOAN! Next stop; Spot X, for surfing!!!! This is where all Oz Experience people get a surfing lesson, as its included in the package.  It was my second time surfing and such a great day to do it, blue skies and hot weather, the water was so refreshing! I've gotta say the second time, I had even more fun, the feeling of freedom when surfing on the waves, is just amazing. I just loved it, and was in the water for hours, and even managed to stand up, alot more than my first time! Will deffo be doing some more surfing in the future!
     So after a night in Spot X, we were heading to Sydney!!!!!! Finally, after being in Oz, for coming onto 6 months, I was finally getting there! It was soo exciting, as it felt like Sydney had been calling me for a while, so I was sooo ready to get there and live it up, big style!!!
     So I've been in Sydney for coming onto 4 months, and have been having the time of my life in this city! My next blog will be all about my time in Sydney, partying and working! Awesomeness!

Until next time,

Angus x

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