Tuesday 26 October 2010

Noosa Times equals happy times!!!!

After returning to Rainbow beach after Fraser, we had a very chilled out night, back in civilization (well, just barely) before heading back onto the bus, (I nearly missed it, opps) and our next destination, Noosa!!!

Noosa is an awesome, holiday/tourist town, set right by the beach, we were so lucky and were greeted by lots of sun and blue skies. The place had a really cool vibe and a great fun/busy atmosphere, which I loved, and felt at home straight away!

So on our first day, we went kayaking in two man and one man kayaks! I went in a two man with Sidsel first, and our team work was awful, we just couldn’t time our strokes at the same time, which was rather funny and wet! After 40 mins or so of kayaking, we reached this small island, that was in the middle of the water and was free of people! So we moored up our kayaks, and had a whole island to ourselves, which was wicked cool, we went a bit crazy taking pics, and running around madly!

The next day in Noosa, it was my birthday!!!!! But my 22nd birthday; which makes it less exciting, as I am now beginning to get old….. My next exciting milestones is 30 and I don’t think that’s a good milestone, ha! Anyway, I woke up to the girls of the group, mainly Cathy and Gemma singing me happy birthday; followed by presents!!! Yay! I got Vodka (best present ever) and chocolate, which meant I could finally have a night off the goon, and onto something good! It was such an awesome start of the day, and so kind that the group all chipped in, to get me a present, it was just awesome. After that I went for a fancy brekky, a fry up, mmmmmm! Then I went and bought two books, since I’ve been in Oz, I have read soo much. I bought a new true blood novel, which I’ve already finished, and the Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare (which I’ve finished too)!!! I read a lot here, and quickly and it was nice to buy something exciting; as usually the most exciting thing I’m usually buying is a pot noodle….. Or chocolate, but that’s always amazing, ha.

After that we all headed to the beach, woo, where we played in the sea, sunbathed, and read my new books, yay! In the evening we went out for a Chinese, delicious, sweet n sour! As well as a BIG surprise, the guys got me a birthday cake and candles, and sang to me, which was sooo wicked (and a bit embarrassing)!! After dinner we headed back home to play the deadly drinking game, RING OF FIRE, with my beautiful vodka J Then we dressed up as ravers, painting our faces, glow bands and headbands (which was also a joke at Gareth, as he is always wearing headbands). We headed out to an Irish pub, Murphy’s, which was really busy as it was a student night, so there was a great party vibe! So I continued to drink and dance my birthday away! It was a pretty special birthday, celebrating with awesome people, and on the other side of the world.

So the next day, as your guessing, I was RIDCIOUSLY hungover, banging headache and just general BLURGH symptoms, ha! It was also really emotional day, as all the group were leaving Noosa (most are on a shorter time frame than me). I loved Noosa, so wanted to stay longer. So Cathy, Gemma, Matt, Gareth, Louise, Sidsel and Gareth all got on the bus to Brisbane, without me, which was rather emotional, and a bit teary. It was so sad, because we had been traveling together for the last 3 and a half weeks together! We all got on so well and had great banter, we were like a little family unit; so it was very sad to say goodbye and be a lone traveler again! Boo hiss boo!

After a few days I got back into the swing of being a loner…. Uh, I mean lone traveler again, and was meeting lots of cool people again. That’s the great thing about traveling, you meet such different people and it’s so interesting to hear their stories, especially if there are from different countries!
On Wednesday I wanted to keep busy, so I went on an organised trip; Noosa’s big day out. Where we headed to the Emmundi marets, which are very famous throughout Aus! The market was huge and you had everything there, food, clothes, jewelry, massages, psychics, art, dvd etc, just everything! It had a really cool vibe, I bought some cool bracelets with my bday money; and there was lots of free food about, which is great when your eating on a budget!

After the markets, we headed to a nearby waterfall, which was really special, my first I’ve seen in Aus; and everyone ad to jumped off it! I’m not a big fan of heights, so I just stood there for a while, trying to psyche myself up, but instead, I became more hesitant! Then I just thought your only here once, so come on man; and I jumped!!! Woo, it was an awesome feeling, very cool to say I’ve jumped off a waterfall, I must say, happy days! After this we had a Barbie, good times.

Once we had all refueled from our tasty barbie, we headed over to the sunshine beach to go surfing!!!! Lucky no one else in the group had gone surfing before, so we were all novices! And gosh was it tricky, I have no balance or co-ordination, so it was difficult enough getting on the board, when the waves kept bombarding you. After getting on your board, you had to paddle, and then when you are right on the wave, jump up and ride the wave, sounds pretty easy, but it so wasn’t; in fact I sucked! It was only an hour or so of surfing, so not that long, and unfortunately I didn’t managed to stand up, as I’m a bit special that way! But it was awesome fun, and another thing ticked off the list. I may try it again, for some fun, but I’m not really a natural, ha!

The next day I went and ventured to the Noosa National Parks, and did a 6km walk along the coast, it was probably the most beautiful scenery and sights I have seen so far. I walked to Hell’s Gate, which is on the very edge of the Noosa coast, giving stunning views of the sea and Alexandria bay. After Hell’s gate, I walked along Alexandria bay, and as I was walking with my ipod blasting some tunes out, in my own world, and then I was like, huh?, why hasn’t that guy got any clothes on, or that person or that person…… Forgetting it was a NUDE beach, haha, so funny! But also rather rank, as they were mainly old, chubby and a bit freaky, so I sped up my walking, and headed over to Sunshine beach! Which was an awesome beach; and thankfully not a nude beach, sigh of relief!!! I chilled there for a while, reading, then headed back home, so I walked for around 4-5 hours, so a pretty good work out and all in thongs, pretty impressive, hey?! Lol!

As I write this I’m back in Brissie with Mary, after doing most of the east coast now! Woo! And it’s been an amazing journey and adventure, seeing great things along the way and meeting so many great people. For so long I wanted to have an adventure, and now here I am living and doing it, I really couldn’t be happier! Now I’m just recharging my batteries back in Brisbane with Mary; and enjoying having my own room, and not sharing with 15 other people, having free internet, (Oz internet is pricey, hence the gaps between my blogs) and good home cooked food, heaven!! I’m hoping to do my RSA training here too, which is Responsible Service of Alcohol, yes, you have to pay to do a course, to be able to serve/sell alcohol, so silly, oh well that’s the system. And I’m starting to look for jobs now, as unfortunately my funds are getting a bit low! So I’m gonna look for work further down, maybe a bar job or some office work in Sydney!!!!! Being back in Brisvegas is weird, as it was where I started my adventure, so I’ve been reflecting a lot about my travels, and what an amazing time I’ve had already. My highlights so far have to be Cape Tribulation (just beautiful), cantering on a horse along the beach, surviving a storm at Fraser and staying at Noosa, which is just a beautiful town; ooo and my very drunken night at the WhitSundays sailing! So, still having the time of my life! Will be in Brissie for a bit to sort out my next move/my life, before getting back on the bus and heading to Surfer’s Paradise; I wonder what Paradise is like?!

Until next time,

Angus x

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